Featured Creatures - Continental Week 5/20-26

Hello readers! Look at this mess. Overlapping green boxes and so much strikes on the map.

With low effort lets go through all the featured creatures you should be getting this week depending on your player levels or with a dino being clearly superior to the other choices.

First rares -  Get only Irritator!!!   DO whatever it takes to get all 30 attempts on only irritator. Go out to the store more, anything to get out there and find all of these 30 attempts.
You might not be able to use Irritator to make a hybrid any time soon if you are a low leveled player but Irritator is the #1 currency in DNA trading and will get you anything you want. Stock up now or forever regret it. Do not whatsoever dart any of the other rares. Irritator can buy you any DNA you want.

First commons -  It doesn't matter.  Suchotator lovers get Irritator. Get some of the bird in preparation for future common tournaments or for a hybrid it will someday have. This category just get any green box dino you come across.   Higher level players should stock up on phorusracos cause we all know you aren't using suchotator.

First Epics - 6 attempts.  New players are not going to get any special treat here. No one is using the unique gator. Smilodon is already free and dangerous to level up past 15 when it can get a hybrid.
If you like unlocking every dino in the game - go for the gator and work on the unique because the other ingredients to make it are just commons.
Other players how about we stock up on smilodon now? In preparation of it getting a hybrid even if it doesn't get one until christmas. We don't really need the gator. Its just sort of there. The DNA piles up eventually as the dud DNA in epic incubators.

Rares 2nd batch -  These are terrible. Giraffatitan distracts noobs into not making stegodeus.
Spinosaur is everywhere in zone 4 and not hard to get from alliance members. It can make a nice epic hybrid if you waste a bit of utahraptor which it is more tempting to use that with sino.
Marsupial Lion . nah.  cats .  those are everywhere on its daily migration day. You can easily find 18 attempts of them on that day.
The winner here is Spinosaurus. Decent enough hybrids and zone exclusive makes it the harder one to get of these. It is in the same zone as giraffatitan but  who in even the top 8000 players has that on their team?

2nd batch epics -  You just got alanqa. You always get alanqa for free. Some of you who made the hard choice to get alanqa in birds week so you can have one of your first legendaries, you do not need any more alanqa.
Everyone always needs more kentro. It is the #1 dinosaur always asked for to please be in the green boxes again.   Get as many of this as you can. Retry the dart session if you don't get enough good hits on it.  Having this dinosaur does mean you are going to commit to raising trex to level 20.
It also means you are going to have one of the most played dinos from the non hybrid ludia tournaments.  If you just got Pachy, Maiasaur and now Kentro you're all set to take on the next tournament.

 Really more commons. 45 attempts?!   Who plays this game that much. Those things are going to be everywhere anyways without having to find them in green boxes.
Get any for the alliance mission. who cares.    The most useful one is sarcosuchus as it is exclusive to parks and the hybrid asks for 200 per fuse which is too much and depletes your stock fast.
Since everyone is getting einiasuchus in the alliance missions  you can take this chance to fuse into sarcorixis for your collection.

What to request this week! and what other people will be asking for!

Dimetrodon. Come on all the posers are going to be asking for this and not even have enough of the epic DNA to make this. Ignore the noobs asking for this and trade it only to the higher level players who really need your help to make magna please.

Purrolyth - People are going to be asking for this if they are darting Gryposuchus.
If you are not trying to make this and know the gator is just for collection's sake. Trade this away. It is not hard to obtain these and this should never be on your team.

If you are a newer player not from zone 4 and do not have plans for other things you want to ask for, start requesting Utah DNA to make spinotahraptor. If any alliance tournaments pop up where we use only epics and do allow hybrids, this thing is a great bleeder and it has rampage as well!
It will set you on your way to getting the legendary Spinotasuchus too if you are not planning to use Utah DNA to make sinoraptor.

Suchotator. Not so much something to request for but with the commons not being important and getting a lot of them from strikes and green boxes you will have the ingredients to really level up your Suchotator high this week. Its a great dino to force opponents to switch out their Thor/Tryko unable to use Rampage on you or doom them to die if they do.

These things. While you get dud amargasaur DNA in the themed incubator rare slots instead of Irritator, you can start making a tragodistis on the side. Ask for some of these commons if you can make Amargocephalus easily or can level up tragodistis. With everyone else focused on more popular DNA and having a tough time requesting the same things as each other, there will be an opening to grab these as well as more Amargasaur they'd not care to donate. Every time there is a featured creature, people are going to have a lot of it and are more willing to give it up.

Whichever low rarity part of these you need you can play around and collect them this week to fuse a Sarcorixis. 

The main goal of this week is to make MAGNA and Tryko. Splitting up the Epics so we only get 6 attempts on kentro is pretty cruel but it beats having bird week or another concavenator theme.
Have fun and do your best on school test if school is not out already. And start having a great summer everyone!
