Jurassic World Alive - DNA Rarity Guide

Let's go over all the DNA that can be traded for in the game at the moment.

The DNA for these creatures can only be obtained through the arena incubators and by being in a high enough arena to add them to your pool of things you can get in those incubators.

Stygimoloch Gen2
Baryonix Gen2

These creatures can be found by taking a nice trip to a park. Some of them like Ankylosaurus Gen2 can be found in nests centered around car repair businesses but that is not a reliable way to try to find them. The park will have a lot more of them.

Ankylosaurus Gen2
Dilophosaurus Gen2

The rest of the dinosaurs are obtained through regular means out in the 'wild'. One special creature is Dimorphodon who can only be found at dawn and dusk in the game but it is found in every zone.

This next list are creatures you can request in the alliance and have no problem getting your DNA request meter filled.

Apatosarus                                                                      Argentinosaurus
Deinocheirus                                                                          Carnotaurus
Dimetrodon Gen2                                                         Diplocaulus Gen2
Diplocaulus                                                                            Einiasuchus
Einiosaurus                                                                            Erlikosaurus
Euplocephalus                                                                         Giraffatitan
Iguanodon                                                                             Gorgosaurus
Lythronax                                                                    Koolasuchus Gen2
Majungasaurus                                                                  Majundasuchus
Monolophosaurus                                                                   Nodosaurus
Nundasuchus                                                                     Scaphognathus
Parasaurolophus                                                                 Tupandactylus
Purrusarus Gen2                                                                 Wuerhosaurus   
Triceratops Gen2                                                             

There are some hybrids in this list and those are made from really common materials that no one cares about.  Scaphognathus is a new creature but there is no point to leveling it up right now. No one is using that creature.      Some good creatures to ask for in this group for a lower leveled player is Apatosaurus/Nodosaurus who will help you get an easy first epic or legendary.  Wuerhosaurus is a strong dino you can use as well when you need some quick power in your team and without the hassle of having to fuse it from anything.

These are much harder to get for free from DNA requests. You will have to arrange a trade for these to get even just decent results. All the dinosaurs from here are favorites or they make some of the best hybrids in the game and are already really hard to come by in the 'wild' just as the basic rare version.

Baryonix Gen2
Irritator Gen2
Tyrannosaurus Rex Gen2

The raptor squad is a strange one. People hoard those things or people just simply do not play the game as much at night time. Several of these dinos are rares exclusive to each different zone and people that do not live in those zones are in very short supply and will trade good for them.  Some of these rares grow up to make uniques and are in high demand.
Hybrids like Suchotator are placed here because when you ask for that directly, people are much less willing to give it  compared to how quickly they would fill your request if you asked for the common material instead. They do not want to do the fusing work for you unless you trade good for it.
Common listed dinosaurs are in really high demand and can 'buy' you just about anything in a trade from this list. Everyone wants Velociraptor.
Irritator Gen 2 is the one that belongs in this category the least. It can be found everywhere but it makes a really great hybrid and even living in zone 4 you have an unbalanced amount of Irritator Gen 2 compared to Suchomimus you will see and you still have to divided that DNA with the other hybrid line it gets - Diplotator.

These dinosaurs are the rarest DNA of them all.

                                                                  Dracorex Gen2
While this dinosaur is found easily when you go to zone 2, it is in such high demand that you would have to be crazy to ever donate this. This makes THE best dinosaur in the game. If we had an alliance mission with this as the prize, you know you would all be screaming at each other to do your battles non stop and finish all the missions quickly to get this. I almost want to say you would buy an $100 incubator if it had nothing but Dracorex Gen2 DNA in it.

The way to obtain this thing is so irritating! You can only get this from the arena incubators and in such small amounts at a time. People are willing to play in lower arenas and get much less of this DNA when they get it just to increase the frequency of getting it with the lower pool of available dinos in the lower arenas.  Everyone wants Irritator and you can get any DNA you want to if you are willing to trade away some of yours.

For now this DNA will only be given to players who take part in the usual seasonal tournaments.
Low leveled players under 2500 trophies will not be able to get this dinosaur.  Even players with enough trophies to qualify to get this will not be able to fuse for the legendary because they are giving out such low amounts for the prizes. Pretty much only the top 500 players in the game can do anything with this thing. This dinosaur is not strong by any means. Neither is the hybrid it creates. This is only wave 1 of its release. In the future I am sure it will be available in 1 of the zones or be moved to the park spawns.

There is an icon on your DNA requests that looks like the letter   i . When you press on this it normally gives you a message about your coins you can earn through donating. When your requests are expired or ready to collect  it will display a different message. Now you will be able to see who the people were that donated that DNA. You can only view this before the DNA is collected.
Thanks to Scarlet for providing this picture and shout out to all those generous KillerRaptors members featured in that picture!


  1. Hi!! Can I speak with KillerRaptors Alliance’s leader?


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